Friday, May 3, 2013

Campus Clean-up Day

This past year I have been a part of Moraine P ark’s Student Senate serving as the vice-president. My big push personally was to be involved with the college and to put my free time to good use by volunteering. In the past year I have lead Student Senate meetings and volunteered for various events when needed. The most recent volunteering I did was Student Senate Campus Clean-up Day.
            Campus Clean-up Day is where students go out and clean up campus. You’re doing exactly what the event is called. As a student at Moraine Park, this event was important to me because we were cleaning the campus we attend every day. As the semester went on you could see careless people throwing garbage where it didn’t belong and making our campus look dirty. As a student at MPTC I want the college to have a good image along with making sure our campuses (Fond du Lac, West Bend, Beaver Dam) are all presentable. You never know who might be coming in to one of the campuses, and sometimes appearance is very important.
            All of the students involved arrived around 11:30 in the cafeteria. We split up into groups that would each take a section of the campus. My group went out to the O wing entrance and parking lot. We began cleaning up everything immediately, picking up everything that was making our campus dirty. It was really neat to see everyone come together for a short time and just get down to business. Everyone that attended really made this event go quick and easy. I know Campus Clean-up Day isn’t as lavish as a lunch ‘n learn or last blast event, but it needs to be done every year. With every ones help we finished with just over an hour of cleaning.
            What I learned from this event was that no matter what it is you’re volunteering for it is worth it. Volunteering makes you feel good and have a sense of accomplishment. In this case I was volunteering my time to clean up the Fond du Lac MPTC campus I attend every week. It gave me a sense of accomplishment to see our campus clean and tidy. And for everyone that attended to help with the clean-up Student Senate put on a free lunch for those who helped. In this case you actually got a tangible thing in return, but in most cases volunteering is for your own satisfaction knowing that you yourself have made a difference in helping someone directly or indirectly.

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